Customer Voice Review

It is important that all customers feel they have a voice and can give feedback on the services that they receive and their home and community. It is equally important that Cornerstone takes customer views into account.

The panel we asked to review whether customers from all sections of our communities are able to be heard and that their views are being taken into account in decision making. The panel were asked to consider – ‘are customer voices being listened to and taken into account?’

The review took place between March 2022 and March 2023.

For more information on our performance panel and how to join click here.

The Performance Panel’s findings

Overall the panel feels that Cornerstone does listen and take into account the views of residents but there are areas that can be improved upon. The panel has made the following findings;

  • in 2022 customer satisfaction that Cornerstone is listening and acting upon views improved from 71% to 75%, this is good when compared with other landlords but can be improved
  • individual interactions with customers and the annual tenant survey feedback suggests that Cornerstone could be better at responding to customers when they contact them (e.g. repairs reported but nothing done or no follow up communication, not keeping touch with people when problems in the neighbourhood are reported)
  • customer service standards are in place but the panel was not able to see if Cornerstone was responding to customers in line with these
  • feedback has suggested that customers may not know how to complain and escalate issues, and also whether staff are raising complaints or escalating them at the appropriate time
  • the panel has been told that customers who provided individual comments in the annual survey are getting follow up contact but this hasn’t been verified by the panel yet
  • Cornerstone is actively trying to engage more with residents through community events and partnerships, for example with the community builders
  • the move from whole house improvements to the component scheme is an example of where Cornerstone has listened to customers about their homes and more customers are now getting some form of improvement to their home. The panel is aware of an example where improvements have been brought forward in the programme following feedback from customers, there has been an improvement in satisfaction with quality of home
  • the panel is asked for their views on services, policies, procedures and strategies but the panel is under-represented by certain groups of customer (e.g. women, younger customers, different ethnicities). This could be addressed in the recruitment of new members and in finding new ways to engage with residents and seek feedback
  • members of the Cornerstone board and Executive Team regularly attend and engage with the panel, Board papers make reference to the impacts of decision on customers

The Performance Panel’s recommendations

Throughout the review over the last year the panel has discussed and made recommendations, the panel has noted that some of these have already been completed or are in progress.

The recommendations are to:

  • support the panel to increase membership, improve its diversity and ensure it is representative of the customer group, this could include;
    • introducing a youth panel;
    • reviewing the name of panel to include the word ‘customer’
    • reviewing how the panel is promoted and ‘sold’ to customers to include that they can gain transferrable skills, improve their CV and employability, demonstrate a ‘work activity’ for benefit purposes, that it is an opportunity to be involved and give back;
    • writing standalone articles in the tenant newsletter on the ways that customers can get their voices heard and explaining why it is important that Cornerstone hears them (to know what customers want);
    • introducing a new ‘customer voices’ leaflet;
    • ‘meet and greet’ fairs, which could be held in different areas, where customers can meet with Panel members and speak with the members about issues in areas in which customers live.
  • follow up with customers that have provided feedback in surveys to see if Cornerstone has acted, the panel could help with verifying this and feeding back;
  • provide more information to the panel on how Cornerstone resolves issues in neighbourhoods, through case studies and time with housing officers, this could also include a review on this specific area in 2023/24;
  • promote more to customers the work that is taking place for example where Cornerstone has taken action on an anti-social behaviour case and actions from the annual tenant survey, this could increase further engagement;
  • train staff on the customer standards;
  • monitor better how they are performing against the customer service standards to ensure timely responses and follow up to customers, and the panel to be provided information on this;
  • provide more communication to customers regarding the complaints process, what is and isn’t a complaint and provide regular training to staff.