Resident Engagement Panel

Final REP


Our Resident Engagement Panel is made up of resident volunteers who together as a group independently review the different areas of service we provide. Meetings are held at 4pm on the first Wednesday of every month, and at our Western Way offices but can be accessed remotely at a request.

The panel have recently reviewed Cornerstone’s policies on downsizing, keeping pets and how complaints are dealt with. Another important job of the panel is to review the information we make available to residents, such as leaflets and website content, to make sure it is accessible. If there is a particular review that you would be interested in, you are welcome to join for this review only if you don’t want to make a long term commitment to the panel.

To join our next meeting email and we will send you further details.

Our Panel members have created a Facebook group for residents to join to ask them any questions directly. Click here to join.

Meeting Minutes

Below are the meeting from previous REP Meetings

REP minutes Jan 2024

REP minutes December 2023

Who are our Resident Engagement Panel?

We recognise the importance of our residents views and believe they are essential in our decision making process. We seek to ensure our services are open, transparent and available for resident scrutiny. Below are our current members.


Janet Gale - REP Chair

"My career background is working as a Personal Assistant to the Traffic Superintendent of the Buses here in Exeter, having studied in London for many RSA exams including bus law. I left in 1977 to have my daughter. Later I went on to work as a Personal Secretary to the Production Manager at the Northcott Theatre, where I spent 21 happy years. Very long hours for very little pay, but it never felt like work.
I am also Vice Chair of ExeAccess, Exeter Mobility which hires/sells mobility items at a lower cost to help people being able to stay mobile.
I have been with the Residents Engagement Panel for several years now and seen the panel grow in the work they do to help all Residents, working alongside Cornerstone and the Board to maintain a good service to all Residents."


Bob - Vice Chair

"I worked on the railway for 38 years as a train manager. 9 years in the royal navy. I am Vice chair of the residences committee for the last 3 years since I have retired. I am your REP member for the Exwick area. I work in the air ambulance shop as a volunteer 2 days a week supporting the local community. I also play skittles and bowls in my spare time. "


"I was asked if would be interested in joining the panel in 2022 as I was newly retired. I am finding it both interesting and a challenge, listening to a residents side of the story and their concerns, trying to help is often a delicate balancing act.
I am glad I joined, the meetings are enjoyable, rewarding and worthwhile, the group have achieved so much in changing Cornerstones outlook regarding residents over time, and we are a close group reviewing Cornerstone’s policies and suggesting ways to help both tenants and Cornerstone succeed, with the full support of the board of directors, making life smoother for all of us."



"I am Gary and I am a tenant and a member of the Residents Engagement Panel and have been representing tenants in the east area of Exeter (Fountain house to Pinhoe) for nearly 5 years, if you wish to speak to me about anything Cornerstone related please email me "